We have all seen it. We have all heard about it. Most of us have even had it. It came when you were getting out of bed one morning. It came when you were standing up from a chair one afternoon, or maybe you were just bending down to pick up a quarter. A jolt of pain overtook you, and all you could think was… “Oh. No!”
We have love/hate relationships with our backs. When we are pain free, we feel like we can do anything, but when a mysterious pain or symptom presents itself, that energy and enthusiasm fades away. What is left is a sense of insecurity because we just don’t want to make it worse. These thoughts create a division in our concentration and rob us of the ability to focus on work, family, or friends. The pain has now become a whirlwind of concern and anxiety.
Everyone’s situation is different and there are many factors at play, but when the symptoms intensify, we all succumb to its wrath. It’s possible the symptoms will improve organically over time, but more often than not the symptoms return, and we think we are resolved to changing our lives to accommodate this new reality.

One thing is certain though, there is no shortage of advice available. The advice comes from friends, family, doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, lawyers. The advice even comes from your Uber driver! Some of this advice could be good, but it may be bad. So, what should you do? The human body is unique and should be assessed and treated as such, but the anatomical diagnosis is rarely the root cause of the pain or symptoms. What helped one person, may make another person worse if you are not careful.
The majority of back pain is triggered by a mechanical malfunction in a joint, causing you to experience a variety of symptoms from local back pain to pain running all the way down your leg. The affected joint typically requires movement in a specific direction. When performed, this movement will immediately provide evidence to whether or not what you are doing is working.
So again, why the fear and loathing of your back? It is due to a lack of understanding. The JointStrong® Mobile/Web App’s Self-Assessment tool is programmed with intelligence gathered from over 600k clinical encounters and will help build a personal treatment plan specific to your condition, allowing you to affect your symptoms in real time, and then interpret the results. JointStrong® also empowers you with the knowledge to understand your condition and avoid future recurrence through preventative practices. In the event you need assistance with your treatment plan, JointStrong® Health Coaches are also available to assis, answer technical questions or connect you with a Virtual Care / In-Person JointStrong® clinician.
JointStrong® is here to help put your mind at ease and move you from Healthcare to Self-Care!