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Preventative Care Provides Drastic Decrease in Healthcare Spend

Brianna Cunningham

JointStrong users, like Dean Foods, have experienced significant reductions in pain and overall improvement using our app, health coaches, and virtual care options. We are able to quickly and accurately diagnose and assist safer patient recovery by using reliable, response-based assessments and then creating a treatment plan specific to your employee’s condition. Approximately 98% percent of JointStrong patients report a reduction in pain or improvement in overall function. This is crucial when you consider musculoskeletal related costs represent approximately 20% of all healthcare spending in the US.

“One strategy was addressing the musculoskeletal spend, always near the top of large companies healthcare costs. With the help of providers, the company installed an evidence-based care pathway that would guide members away from surgery unless it was absolutely necessary, as many MSK surgeries are worthless and can even make things worse.

Via an app, employees are guided to walk through the care pathways with a practitioner. It guided patients toward physical therapy, pain management, chiropractors, and stem cell treatment before surgery.”

To read more on how Dean Foods utilized IMC's JointStrong® evidence-based approach to capitalize on preventive care for a drastic 4.5 percent decrease in overall healthcare spending read on below or click here to visit the DMagazine site.



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